Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's finally time!

I think I'm finally ready to try this blogging thing for real. It's not that I have anything really amazing to share, but more that I feel like this is something I should do - for our family (immediate & extended), for our friends, and for myself. I often feel like I'm out of the loop with what's happening with family and friends we see less often, and maybe they feel the same about us. So, this will be my attempt to change that situation. And, if I'm going to blog, I have to have something to write about - so this may get us out of the house to actually do things instead of parking in front of the TV, computer or Wii.

On another note, I spend a lot of time planning craft projects (and finding such great stuff on-line) but not all of my projects get completed. So here again, having a blog and needing to have things to post will hopefully get more of my UFO's finished! (btw - UFO stands for un-finished object =) ) I'm also thinking about turning my crafting obsessions into a job of sorts. Whether it will be as a demonstrator for an established company or just me at craft fairs and/or internet sales, I don't know yet. When that gets decided, I'll let you all know.

But for now, here's an update about our family with pictures and then a few pics of my latest projects.

Brent: still teaching at Weber State; putting in lots of extra hours for "community involvement" credit in the tenure process; quit playing WoW and is now looking for a new hobby (suggestions?); ward clerk at church; is looking forward to having a sprinkler system put in this spring and not having to drag hoses around; wishes he had time for a real vacation.

Kelsey (9): coming down the back stretch of 4th grade (yikes!); likes to read many types of books - esp. the Magic Treehouse books and accompanying research guides; first round of braces ended in January - now she wears a retainer at night to keep things in place until all her permanent teeth are in and the second round begins; likes Legos almost as much her Dad, Star Wars almost as much as her Mom and loves playing with Abby and all the neighborhood kids; can't wait for swimming lessons this summer.

Abby (6): has two months left of kindergarten - she loves to go to school but doesn't really want to do "homework" type stuff at home, so Mom is a little frustrated; panics when the hair stylist's scissors come close to her head - even when it's just for a trim of the bangs or to even out the ends; LOVES to draw and color; is starting to rival Kelsey for scraped knees and bruised shins; loves all things princess and Barbie; wants to learn to play the guitar and take a tumbling class this summer.

Lori: still reading all the time (about 35 books since New Year's - about 10 of them re-reads); stamping and paper crafting; knitting; sewing; beading - jewelry and ornaments; playing the piano and - biggest shock ever - learning to play the organ; trying to get started on an exercise/wieght-loss/better nutrition plan - or else my doctor is going to put me on cholesterol medication; loving my girls and watching them grow; glad to be in Utah (most of the time) and always grateful to be so near to my parents & other family - especially after Mom's trips to the ER & a couple of hospital stays in Oct./Nov. last year and after losing two cousins (ages 35 & 44) unexpectedly.

Now for the fun stuff - pictures!!

Look at these two cuties!

I'll have to save the project pictures for the next post - I've been at this all day and I really need to get some laundry done. Have a great day!

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